For Windows Phone development tutorials: SubramanyamRaju Windows Phone Blog

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Hello World Windows Store app c#

 In order to complete Windows 8 metro style app, our machine need following things:
In Visual Studio 2012, there are many templates for developing windows apps using c# and XAML. Let's start with Blank App (XAML) template with c#. First of all create a new Windows Store project with Blank App template with in your VS 2012 as shown below:
Before going to modify this template, let's have look into the structure and elements of this project.

How to Get Developer License for Windows 8 App Development


Before developing your windows 8 apps in Visual Studio 2012, you need to have windows 8 developer license, other wise you will not be able to develop your windows 8 apps. In this article, I will demonstrate how can you get developer license for windows 8 apps development.

Step 1 : Make your first Windows App in Visual Studio 2012

Open your visual studio and create your first windows app like as below: